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AzMina’s content is Copyright Free

Did you know that you can reproduce everything AzMina does for free, as long as you give the credits?

Nós fazemos parte do Trust Project

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Translated by Laura Dourado and reviewed by Giovanna Costa

Ilustração: Larissa Ribeiro
Ilustração: Larissa Ribeiro

Communication vehicles, bloggers and individuals can reproduce the news reports made by AzMina Magazine whenever they want, if they follow some rules:

AzM_vaquinha_bullet_1Titles and intertitles can be changed to suit the style of the vehicle. The content can’t be cut, reduced or edited nor removed from its context without the approval of AzMina Magazine.


All the republishments must have the name of AzMina Magazine and its author highlighted, on the top of the text, plus the link to AzMina’s website (azmina.com.br).


All tweets on our republished reports must have the mention: @revistaazmina. All Facebook mentions must link to our page.

AzM_vaquinha_bullet_4The reports can not be resold.


AzM_vaquinha_bullet_5Pictures can only be republished along with the reports and the given credits. Videos can be reused, as long as they have credits and link to AzMina website. No logo but ours can be used at the end of the video, as an addition, and video sharing hosted on social media must be done from our page.

Faça parte dessa luta agora

Tudo que AzMina faz é gratuito e acessível para mulheres e meninas que precisam do jornalismo que luta pelos nossos direitos. Se você leu ou assistiu essa reportagem hoje, é porque nossa equipe trabalhou por semanas para produzir um conteúdo que você não vai encontrar em nenhum outro veículo, como a gente faz. Para continuar, AzMina precisa da sua doação.