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How to make a donation to AzMina

Details About AzMina Program for Journalistic Investigations in Women's Issues

Nós fazemos parte do Trust Project

AzMina is a non-profit that believes that free information is crucial for women empowerment in Brazil today. We use investigative journalism, education and culture to fight for women’s rights.

We promote debates, lectures and events to educate people on women’s rights and present another way to approach gender issues, reaching up to 2.5 million people each week with our online awareness campaigns. We also produce a free online magazine that investigates and debates deep issues such as institutional violence, femicide and illegal abortions. The results have been astonishing, and we have even received letters from men letting us know that they changed their views after having read one of our articles.

This campaign is to collect donations to help sponsor 13 female reporters to investigate urgent subjects such child sexual exploitation and violence against women. Every 3,6 Brazilian Real equals $1 USD, and international credit cards are accepted.

See bellow how to donate step-by-step.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4


Click here and donate now

Faça parte dessa luta agora

Tudo que AzMina faz é gratuito e acessível para mulheres e meninas que precisam do jornalismo que luta pelos nossos direitos. Se você leu ou assistiu essa reportagem hoje, é porque nossa equipe trabalhou por semanas para produzir um conteúdo que você não vai encontrar em nenhum outro veículo, como a gente faz. Para continuar, AzMina precisa da sua doação.